This is a online Stata course where you will learn data management and manipulation. This course will teach you to prepare data for time series, panel and cross sectional studies.
In this course, you will start from learning about how to import data into Stata, basic data management, working with strings and datetime variables and it will lead you to advanced concepts. You will also learn how to write reusable code and using other’s code that is not part of Stata.
- This software is mainly used by statistician, business researchers, economists, and PhD researchers.
- Basic level of statistical understanding is required.
- This course will train you for data management using Stata.
- After completion, you can manipulate work with panel, timeseries and cross sectional data.
- This is an online course. You will learn under the supervision of instructor.
- You can learn anytime of your choice.
Target audiences
- Students, Mphil. and PhD researchers, social scientists
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